With its 40-year manufacturing experience, Cusfap is working towards an industry 4.0 model. It dynamically designs and manufactures casts, as well as fine and customized mechanical products in sectors such as energy, aeronautics, biomedical, automation and the oil industry. Our manufacturing standard is of over 3500 products of small dimensions in stainless steel, aluminium, plastic, cast iron and special materials: Inconel, titanium and quenched steel.
We produce components and prosthesis used in orthopaedics and specialize in the development of dies for the line production of disposable items used in the medical field.
Cusfap manufactures scoops for turbine and steam and gas compressors.
Moreover, we have a long history of manufacturing valves used in oil and tire industries.
Our company produces components in series and customized for cars and motorbikes
We manufacture mechanical components for the aerospace industry, such as scoops for turbines and equipment for flux control and calibration.
Thanks to the collaboration with factories in the industrial field, we supply components for automated, robotized and pneumatic machines.
Cusfap is currently looking for qualified staff members for its premises in Valtellina